what is a funeral celebrant?
What is my job as a Celebrant and what do I provide?
A funeral director told me that when he visits a family he advises, “If you want a service about God or centred around your religious faith, ask a minister to lead it. If you want a service about this person who has died, ask a Celebrant.”
I believe the main priority of a Celebrant is to provide you with a service that meets your needs. These needs might include:
How much (or how little) you want said about the person who died, for example:
story of their life,
the significance of that life to you and others,
conveying the essence of who that person was,
finding words that express your thoughts and feelings about them as closely as we can,
paying your respects / honouring the life that has ended
Choosing the right music / poems / readings (if you want those things).
Finding hymns or a prayer (or not, if you don’t want them) – many people who choose a celebrant do so particularly because they do not want a religious service; but some people want to include favourite hymns or might ask for The Lord’s Prayer. I am not committed to any religion, but I respect the faith of others and am happy to include what is needed.
Time before the service to talk about the person who has died and feel properly heard as you do so. If you wish it, I will do my best to visit you at home. Sometimes (e.g. because of Covid) it has been more practical to have an online video call, which I can set up for you. This meeting usually takes 1 to 2 hours. I enjoy every aspect of being a celebrant, but especially listening to people talking about someone they have loved. I will ask questions that will draw out your thoughts and memories and help you to focus on what this person meant to you. Even when relationships have been complicated and perhaps the person who died was not the easiest of people to be around, I am interested to help you tell your truth as you want it said and minimise any disagreement with other mourners.
Full consultation as to the final content of the service – I don’t want you to have any surprises during the funeral, so I will always make sure you have been able to read everything I have written well beforehand and have time to make any changes required. This ensures the facts are correct and the tone and expression of the service is as you want it to be.
Being available for support with the service from the time I am asked to lead it until the service has been completed. Because of my work I may not be able to answer when you call, but I will always get back to you as quickly as I can if you leave a message.
Being willing to wear something different… e.g. follow a colour scheme or fit in with football colours. I once sewed the badge of a favourite team to the back of my black velvet coat because the widow had asked for mourners to wear the shirts of her husband’s team.
I aim to arrive for the service half an hour before it starts and to stay afterwards until all the mourners have left.
With any funeral and celebration of life, my goal is always to create and deliver a service that meets the needs of the bereaved as closely as possible.